Simply Sasa meets Blogger

 I am a frustrated writer and blogger.

I have tried putting up my own blogsite to no avail. I always seem to fail -- but I am not known to be a quitter -- so I am starting over. That's where I stumbled upon #Blogger.

My experience with the website is the smoothest there is. With other websites, designing the interface alone can take up so much of my time, but with Blogger, you can select from a lot of themes and formats that they offer so you can concentrate on your content.

I am also the type of person that is always on the go. This is where the auto-save feature comes in handy. This is a big help for me for when I get stuck and needed time to think. Another thing that I considered in choosing this platform is that they have a mobile app so that means I can post an entry whereever I may be. Efficient.

I am promising myself that I am ging to stick to this one this time and I will share witih the readers my most intimate feelings, experiences,stories, life hacks and lessons -- in the hope that somehow, someone will benefit from them. 


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