Personal Therapy

One reason why I kept on trying to put up a blog is I believe it can serve as a personal therapy. I can vent out without being judged. It will make me feel better after I have released all my frustrations. It feels good. I know it helps.

Just the other day, one of our neighbors who sells puto (it's a type of sweet bread) came by so we bought 2 packs from her. My mom just asked her how her family is doing and then all of a sudden she told my mom her current struggle. She was teary-eyed while telling her story. I told my mom, she was just waiting for someone to talk to so that she can vent out. Good thing I asked, my mom said.

It will be lucky if you will encounter someone who will be there just to listen -- but this is not the case all the time. Me, I'm too complicated for other people. I think it will hurt them if I vent out on them.Now, I have my blog and this is enough for me.

If by some stroke of luck someone reads this, I want to tell you that it's okay. You can vent out here if you like.I'm here to listen.


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