My USA Journey

I am one of the few nurses that is waiting to be deployed to the United States of America. Quite frankly, it was never my dream to work there but after working for more than a decade in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it felt like this is the next step for me. Let me take you to my personal journey.

I started with my #DIY New York license processing aound November of 2017. I thought to myself, I will submit it all now and then just wait -- atleast something is cooking.

I received my ATT after a year and I booked my #NCLEX exams for October 20019. My partner and I went home to the Philippines, surprised the crap out of my family (they didn't know I'm coming except my mom) and took on the exams. After few days, I purchased the quick result and with God's grace, I passed.

I was just sitting with my #USRN for almost 2 years when all of a sudden, it hit me. You know that feeling when an idea just comes to you? That feeling when you know this is the right thing to do? So I asked my colleague which agency she applied for her US application.

Now I am with #Avant and I think they are amazing. They provide full support on everything but of course, I have to do my part as well in terms of documents submission and verifictions. They also adviced me on when to take my #IELTS examination and guided me prior to employer interview. I am just waiting for my interview date from the #USEM in Riyadh. Although I still have several documents to process for the CES request -- I think that is for the license transfer request from NY to Pennsylvania. I will be deployed to PA and I am praying that everything will work out for me there.

I will post an update regarding my journey. Peace out.


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