Teenager Problems

I was talking to my mom and I found out that my daughter is going thru something. My sister found her in the room crying while talking to her friends. It turned out, her classmates who has been accompanying her from day 1 when the school started, stopped talking and interacting with her.

I called her and tried to justify their actions. I told her, they are students as well so maybe they are busy with school stuff. But she told me that it really feels like they just don’t want anything to do with her. I just told her that it’s okay, that people just come and go and that she should not put her happiness in other people’s hands.

As a mother who has been away 90% of her life, it’s really heartbreaking. And this is not her first time. She had been bullied in other schools before when she was younger. She’s a special need young lady. Her condition makes it difficult for her to do physical activities.

Good thing that came out of what happened is, she is more motivated now, so much so that she started writing a short story. She’s always been interested in reading and I supported her and got her the latest books that she was interested in.

I want her to be strong enough to handle things like this. She is smart, most of the time a nuance but she is a good person. She cares about other people it’s just that she do not know how to express them.


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