Because I'm A Jealous B*tch

So, I saw my colleague the other night working on her IPad Mini and she was writing using this white Apple pen. I believe she's a writer. I remember she told me once that she is hoping to get published one day.

I don't know what triggered my frustration into writing again.

Maybe the way she was writing on her IPad Mini. Maybe it's the size of the tablet she was using that made it look portable -- so she can write anytime she wants. Or maybe it's that white Apple pen that she was using -- that's the pen that I always see on videos on social media.

But because I’m a jealous person, it awakened my passion and my liking to writing again. I mean, I know I won't be able to write something that could get me published, but at least I have this blog. I even started writing on my tablet but I found it difficult because I am using a large Android tablet.

I know jealousy is a mortal sin, but I believe you can turn it around and use it as a motivation to make yourself better. Not so that you can step on other people but so that you can push yourself to the best version of you.


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