Top 6 Food I Tried in My South Africa Visit

I arrived in South Africa last May 25 to visit my partner and to meet his family. It was a short visit of less than 2 weeks but maybe because it's winter so the time went really slow and it felt like I've been here for months. 

Anyway, one thing my partner made sure that I'll do during my stay is to try out some of their food. I'm not the picky type, it's just that certain textures and spices put me off. But these top 10 food is purely immaculate!

1. Brai. My partner and I bought lamb cutlets and lamb chops from their local butcher shopand we marinated them in smoky barbecue sauce, mixed herbs and barbecue spice. We made a big fire and started putting on coal and started cooking. It was so delicious I cannot believe it. I ended up passing out in the TV room because I was so full. Then I woke up in the morning and heated some of the leftovers and ate some more. Unbelievable.

2. My partner's homemade sandwich. I'm not being biased or anything, but the sausage sandwich with lettuce, cucumber, sweet chili sauce and mayonaise that he made for me was so good I had to ask for seconds. He is the king of sandwiches. 

3. Hongkong chicken. Another homemade dish. It's basically chicken, sautéed in garlic, ginger and onion and then boiled with Coke - yes, Coke. You boil it until the sauce is reduced. Yummy! 

4. Binladen. There's this one guy who sells these sandwiches from his trailer truck. He drives to this vaccant lot and cooks and sells them there. Maybe it's because people have known him over the years so, they know where to find him. A binladen is a sandwich made from a quarter of a loaf of bread, uncut. It has sausage, burger patties - yes, he puts 2 - veggies, eggs and your choice of sauce. Of course, I just had mine with mayonaise but man, it taste good. It's called a binladen because they said after you eat them, it'll explode in your stomach. I didn't had to wait long - I was sleepy again after the meal. 

5. Fish and Chips. Another local store from nearby called Seaflight sells these wonderful fish and chips. I am not a fan of fish but this combination with my own garlic mayonaise is superb.

6. Triple Decker from Debonnaire's. One day when  everyone is in the mood for a takeout, my partner decided to order pizza from Debonnaire's. The triple decker is basically what it's called - three layers of dough and cheese with mushroom, some other veggies, meat, sauces and more cheese. My advice is, not to eat the triple decker first and then try diffefent flavors of pizza - the latter will not be as good. 

We tried to get our hands on the gatsby, another South African favourite but unfortunately, we didn't had enough time. 

So, that's my top 6. Hopefully, I will be able to remake some of them. 


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