Nobody Has Your Back

In this world where everybody is just out for themselves, it's a big mistake to depend on others.

I have learned this lesson for a long time now - maybe so long, I forgot about it already.

I have trained myself over the years not to dpeend on anyone but myself but for some reason - maybe because of the pain that I was feeling - I forgot that nobody will have my back.

To you, I just pray that you'll be happy with your life. I pray for you peace of mind and more blessings. And for your friend who likes to make a big deal out of everything, thinking that she's all that, I pray for her as well. I pray that she will not be miserable anymore and I pray that she will have peace.

Remember, nobody will have your back in time of need. Make sure that you will never put yourself again in a spot wherein you will need to beg other people for help. 

As for me, I will get better and train myself to become even better that I am. I will be so good, and I will make sure I will be there for other people who needs me.


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