What to prepare for your USEM Interview - Saudi Arabia

What to prepare before your Interview in USEM Saudi Arabia – Riyadh

Although my appointment has not arrived yet, I am starting to read up on the things that I need to do prior to my interview.

For those who want to read ahead as well to help ease the tension and anxiety, you can visit


I was actually surprised to see there that there is an accredited hospital here in Jeddah where I can do my medical and that is such a relief because it will be very difficult for me to go around in Riyadh because I am not familiar with the place. The accredited hospital in Jeddah is the Abuzinadah Hospital and I know this hospital because it is located behind my old accommodation when I was still in the military hospital.

With regards to the document requirements, the agency I am with will be providing everything so that also reduces my anxiety.

I am not in a hurry. I know my ID will be given to me when it’s time. I just want to be ready so I will not have problems.


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