Russia vs Ukraine: I Think It's Not Fair

I woke up today and I saw on the news how Russia started bombing Ukraine.
They started their attack and came in from all sides. There was even an airport that they bombed, residential places. They dominated the whole of Ukraine except the part where the separists are holding. Then there was an anti-war protest held in Russia, they were pleading to their government to stop this war on Ukraine. To no surpirse, all 300 participants were arrested.

I also saw the video of Russian President Putin. He said that he is going to go thru this attack on Ukarine and if anybody will try to get in their way, they are ready for the consequence and they're going to respond. He also said -- addressing other countries who might interfere -- that they will experience something that they haven't experienced in their history.

I asked my father why is Putin so angry. He said it's because he wants Ukraine back in Russia's governance. People across the globe are now scared that this might escalate into another World War. What else could go wrong in this world, right?

I think it's not fair. It is so unfair and selfish that while the rest of the world is just bouncing back form the pandemic -- we are just getting back on our feet -- then he decides to just bomb Ukraine. I do not know the whole history behind this two but, do you think it's right to create this world-wide scare when the world is still recovering? Or maybe that's part of his tactics. He knows that everybody is still recovering so they couldn't be ready for war.

It is not fair and it is not right.


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